How to Make Salaah

Resources to help teach/learn how to make the 5 daily waajib (obligatory) salaat

Excellent resource!!!! Talks bout the meaning of salaah, the merits of salaah and then takes you step by step through salaah with pictures and audio.

Salaah Audios - Dr. Saleh as Saleh
A wonderful resource of 42 audios on the salaah presented by Dr. Saleh as Saleh (rahimahullahu)
from the merits of salaah, the performance of salaah from beginning to end,  to issues and concerns regarding the salaah.

My Salaat Companion (PDF, 14 pages)
This was a little booklet that I made back in 2006 to help teach my kids salaah.  I'm hoping to update this soon, inshaa Allah, but I think it's still handy as it is, inshaa Allah.

Prophet's Prayer Described
The Prophet's Prayer Described is a popular and comprehensive book (an English translation of Sifa Salaatul Nabee) to study how to make salaah. On this page, you will find resources to help you study/teach using this book

Sample Sequence for Teaching Salaat

A sister had asked about a sequence for teaching the salaat. At one time, I made what I thought was a pretty good outline on one of the older TJ sites, but can't find it, so I brainstormed again. I have a 7 year old who I am gearing up to teach, so this was helpful for me to get this together too.

This is just a sample of what I thought was a good order to teach. It also depends on the child you are teaching; you can get into more detail with some and for others, not as much or you may want to skip some topics for now.

  • Why We Pray and Benefits of Prayer
  • The Names of the 5 Daily Prayers (also teach their approximate timings: pre-dawn, noonish, late afternoon, sunset, evening)
  • Before We Pray

o   Making Wudhu (merits of making wudhu, how to, introduce duaas after or just the fact that we say them; maybe not get into memorization for younger learners)
o   Things that Break Wudhu
o   Making sure our clothes are clean and suitable for prayer; go over what is appropriate to wear, what should be covered
o   Intention (not something we pronounce)

  • Facing the Kabah/The Qiblah (what is a qiblah; what is the qiblah of the Muslims, where is the Kabah)
  • The Sutrah (what it is, things that can be used for, why we need one)
  • Prayer Positions (qiyaam, rukoo, sujood, jalsa) – how to make each one correctly; learn what a rakah is; (could also teach how many rakah are in each salat or just mention it and memorize the number of rakah when each specific prayer is learned)

·         Parts of the Prayer in Detail
o   Opening the Prayer (takbeer: where to look, how hands should be, how to say)
o   Opening duaa (for younger children may want to explain that we say one but decide if now is the time or not to teach one)
o   The Istiadhah
o   Reciting Fatihah (go over that it must be recited in every rakah of every prayer, that is should be recited slowly
o   Rukoo (how to make, what to say; for younger children may just want to teach the movements at this time); straightening up from rukoo
o   Sujood (how to make, what to say; for younger children may just want to teach the movements at this time)
o   Sitting in between sujood (what to say, how to sit)
o   Tashahhud (for younger children, may just want to teach the positioning of the hands and the sitting and explain there is thikr that we say here that we will learn later, in shaa Allah)
o   Tasleem (how to end the prayer)
o   Prostration of Forgetfulness
o   Thikr after prayer (how to make)
  • Praying Fajr
  • Praying Dhuhr and Asr
  • Praying Maghrib
  • Praying Ishaa

For later lessons/older children, add in:
·        -sending salaat upon….. and
·         -seeking refuge from 4 things and
·         -mistakes made in prayer;
·         -having khushoo.
·        - making ghusl
·        - things that break the salah
·         -the proofs for various things done in prayer

Other Teaching Tips/Ideas

  • All the while, have the kids pray with you or siblings daily to practice the movements and get in tune with hearing what is recited. 
  •  Can use prayer charts to track prayers made as well as parts learned (milestones)
  • Make file folder games or lapbooks/scrapbooks/notebooks to accompany your study (they serve as good review resources); make flashcards (pictured or with terms); make sequencing activities or matching activities