Make a Salaah bulletin board to teach and remind about the salaah

Resources for Salaah Board:
Duaa booklets, Salaat Center (aka salaah bulletin board)
- My very first post on the subject of the Salaat bulletin board, this link includes many printables.
More Salaah Board Stuff
- Over again at the TJ blog, more printables that would be great for your board
Salaat Bulletin Board Addition
- Still more stuff I came up with to add to the board
After Salaat Adhkaar Reminders
- and more………
Prayer Milestones
- and these……
Sample Salaah boards around the ‘net
Islamic Bulletin Boards – Salaah bulletin boards
- View other versions of Salaah boards from sisters around the net as well as other resources for your board that my bud, Umm Abdul Basir and I put together.
Umm Abdul Basir’s Blog
- Check out the beautiful Salaah board from my bud, Umm Abdul Basir. She adds her custom made borders to her version to give a nice finish!