Sujood ash-Shukr (Prostration of Thankfulness)

Sujood ash Shukr is the prostration of thankfulness.

"Sajdat al-Shukr is prescribed for anything that makes one happy,
whether it is attaining some benefit
 or warding off some harm." 

Abu Bakrah (may Allaah be pleased with him), said that when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) heard any news that made him glad, he would fall down prostrating to Allaah, may He be exalted. (Source)

Shaykh Al-Albaani said that none of the preconditions for prayer are stipulated for this prostration. It is just ONE prostration and:

There is NO need:
  • To face the Qiblah
  • To have wudhu
  • To make takbeer
  • To make tasleem
If we are suprised by some blessing, we immediately prostrate the way we are and praise Him with whatever words we want:
Shaykh al-Albaani:
(rahimahullaah): “It comprises of one prostration, and none of the preconditions needed for prayer are stipulated for it. So it is like sujood at-tilaawah, they both have the same ruling. Neither of them have a precondition such as being in a state of purification, facing the qiblah, making the takbeer, making the tasleem, and so on. Rather, if he is surprised by some blessing, he prostrates immediately the way he is and praises Allaah with whatever (words) he can for that blessing that He gave him, out of thanks to Him. Likewise if he recites a verse of prostration from the Book of Allaah (‘azza wa jal), he prostrates immediately, whether he haswudhoo or not, whether he is facing the qiblah or not, without making takbeer al-ihraam and without making any tashahhud or salaam.”

Sajdat al-Shukr (Prostration of thankfulness) : Al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah
"Sujud-ul-Shukr is enjoined to be performed by a person whenever they are blessed with a grace that they waited and longed for, or when they get rid of a distress or a misfortune that afflicted them or was about to do so. In such cases, it is Sunnah (a commendable act) that the concerned person makes one Sujud (prostration) in which they are to glorify Allah and thank Him. Finally, Wudu’ (ablution) is not a condition for the validity of Sujud-ul-Shukr."

The Prostration of Thankfulness | Shaykh Hassan Somali | Cardiff Conference 2022