Having Trouble Accessing Files?
Due to Google's security updates of 9/13/2021, most or all links have been changed.
I am in the process of restoring the original links, but I have to do it file by file, so it's going to take a while. 😬
If you would like a file whose link has not yet been restored, please request access when prompted. I'll be notified of your request via email and will fix the link and share the file with you. (You will be notified by email).
Also, if you are requesting access via a school or organization, your permissions may not allow you to download the file (and also prohibit me from sharing it if requested) Please email me using a non-school account to request the file.
Live & Recorded Jumuah Khutbahs
- DUS Dawah (UK) ~ 8:45 AM EST
- Germantown Masjid (PA-US) ~ 1:15 PM EST
- Masjid Al Hidaayah (EST--US-MD)
- Masjid Bin Baz (UK) ~ 8:15 AM EST
- Masjid us Sunnah ~8:15 EST
- Masjid Huda Sheffield (UK) ~ 8:15 AM EST
- Masjid Bin Baz South Philly (US-EST) ~ 1:15pm
- SPUBS (UK) ~ 8:15 AM EST
- Masjid as Sunnah - Chicago
- SalafiSounds
- Masjid Rahmah
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