The Battle of Uhud took place in 625 AD, in the 3rd year of the Hijrah.
The Story of the Battle of Uhud - Abu 'Iyaad Amjad Rafiq - audio (53:43)
Describes the wounds of the Prophet (SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam) sustained in
the Battle of Uhud
"So he began to wipe the blood away from it, saying: How can a people be successful who cut the face of their Prophet and break his teeth, whilst supplicating to Allaah.So Allaah (The Mighty and Majestic) revealed the Ayah:"Not for you (O Muhammad), but for Allah) is the decision; whether He turns in mercy to (pardons) them or punishes them; verily, they are the Zalimun (polytheists, disobedients, and wrong-doers, etc.) [3:128]
Study Aids
- Study Questions for the Battle of Uhud
- Battle of Uhud Worksheet
- Battle of Uhud Activity Pages - This is really neat. It has a timeline students can fill in as well as record important facts about the battle. She also has packs for other battles as well.
A short listing of battles and expeditions that the Prophet (SallAllahu
alayhi wa sallam) fought in. Also indicates where in the Quraan certain
battles are mentioned.