How and Why Should I Make Dua al Istikharah?

When you are faced with a decision, seek counsel, seek advice, research the matter, and seek Allah's help. One way you can seek this help is by making a 2 rakaat prayer, followed by Dua al Istikharah.

Learn About Istikharah

Dua Al Istikhara: Its Meaning and Impact Upon Us (23:10, khutbah):

Salaatul-Istikhaarah Explained - Moosaa Richardson

"An explanation on how to make the Istikhaarah prayer. Many people understand it to be something which brings about a sign after praying the prayer. The correct understanding of the Istikhaarah prayer according to the Sunnah is explained."

Benefits From al-Istikharah Prayer – Compiled & translated By Abbas Abu Yahya

This article discusses:

1. ‘The one who seeks guidance from the Creator and he consults the creation and is firm in his issue, will not have any regret.
2. The connection with Tawheed
3. The Importance of Istikharah
4. Following the Sunnah and the Salaf
5. After the decision has been made
6. What should be done after istikharah

Istikharah : Prayer For Seeking Guidance – Permanent Committee - several questions are posed and answered here (can we make one istikharah prayer for more than one thing; does the duaa have to be memorized, can you perform it on behalf of someone else...)

Among the questions is when the duaa should be said.  It is stated in the post that it should be made after Taslim (See first question).

Text, translation

Istikhara Duaa - text, translation, and audio of the duaa

Last Updated 9/22/2022