Short Surahs of the Quraan
In his book (translation) "Important Lessons for the Ummah," Shaykh Ibn Baaz says that Muslims should memorize "the opening surah (chapter) of the Qur’an, al-Fatihah (the Opening) and some short passages and chapters from No. 99 (az-Zalzalah) to 114 (an-Nas). Every Muslim must make an effort to memorize, recite and understand passages and/or chapters from the Noble Qur’an."
Here are a few trackers specific to those surahs.
Apples Progress Chart
Here are a few trackers specific to those surahs.
Apples Progress Chart
Juz Amma Trackers
Juz Amma TrackerJuz Amma Star Tracker

Teacher's Juz Amma Tracker
If you need to track the progress of multiple kids for Quraan memorization, you can use this handy Teacher Juz Amma Tracker.
Track up to six kids with this two page tracker (second page not shown--you can copy back to back to make a 2 sided, 1 sheet chart).

Juz Amma Progress Chart
2 page tracker (second page not shown) where students can color in a box for each ayaah of Juz Amma that they learn.
Juz Amma Tracker (New in 2020)
Juz Amma Goal Tracker (New in 2020)
I'm trying to finish up Juz Amma once and for all, inshaa Allah, so I made this one to lay out the surahs that I have left and actually set a goal date. I've kind of been skipping around and not going in order so this format allows me to write in the surahs I have left in the order that I've decided to memorize them in.
Full Quraan Trackers
Full Quraan Progress Tracker - New 2021!
Track your reading or memorization of the Quraan with this progress "chart" for the WHOLE Quraan. Keep track by the surah AND by the ayaat!
Full Quraan Progress Pages, 17 pages + listing of each surah and the number of ayaah in each surah. Available in pink, green, or blue!
By the Juz Tracker
Masjid Quraan Progress ChartColor in a masjid for each completed Juz.

By the Surah Tracker
Quraan Progress Chart2 pages (second page not shown). For Suratul Faatihah and Surahs 105-114. Children can color in a star for each ayaah they memorize.