Juz (plural: ajza): division of the Quraan; there are 30 ajza of the Quraan
Surah: "chapter" of the Quraan; there are 114 surahs
Want to know how many ayaah a particular surah contains? Need to find out where each Juz begins and ends? Want to the know the name or number of a particular surah? Get information like this below:
Ayaah Per Surah Chart - shows how many ayaat occur in each surah of the QuraanPlease note, there was an error on Surah Ahzab for the number of ayaat. It was written as 72 and should have been 73. I have corrected this, so if you have downloaded this previously, please re-download from the link right above.
Where does each juz begin and end?
A listing of the divisions of each Juz of the Quraan
A listing of the divisions of each Juz of the Quraan
What are the meanings of each surah name?