Moving the Lips while praying, making duaas, and reading the Qur’aan

Benefit: Types of Saying
Dr. Saleh as Saleh
From: Rulings on The Response to the Adhaan

“Saying” is of four types.
1) In the heart – There are no rulings from sharee’ah that depends on this. That
is why there is no effect legally if someone recites the Qur’aan with his heart
since it is not a saying. Similarly, if someone says in his heart that his wife is
divorced, then this statement is not implemented as it has no effect.

2) To utter by one’s tongue and moving the lips

3) To make one’s self hear - There is a difference between the second and the
third types of saying since a person may move his tongue without making
himself hear.

4) To make others hear him – This is known as al-jahr (loudness)

If a person makes salaah without moving his lips, then this salaah is invalid since he
did not actually “say” takbeeratul-ihraam, al-Fatiha, and the rest of the Qur’aan that
he recites. However, it is not a condition that he makes himself hear.

Moving the Lips while praying, making duaa, and reading Quraan

The works below are both based upon the words of Shaykh Muhammad bin Umar Bazmool:

  • "One must be aware concerning the conditions of reciting audibly and silently........"
  • We say, the morning and evening supplications should be read like you read aloud and silently (in the prayer); so if you say them silently it is a must that you move your tongue, there is no benefit in just moving your eyes across the lines (of the dua book, for example) and then you say, ‘I’m reading’…reading silently. This is not called reading and this is not called speech in the Arabic language.
  • Reading and speech in the Arabic language requires that the tongue is moved.
