Surah 101 - Al Qaari'ah

Learn Surah Al Qaaria'ah with these resources!

Suratul Qaariah


Surah Al Qaari'ah text and audio,
Includes word by word translation of the surah

Audio of Surah Al Qaariah (choose your favorite reciter; listen online or download)

Quran Arabic Corpus - Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word of this surah


Tafseer Surah Al Qaari'ah from "Explanations of Important Lessons for Every Muslim"
(Takes you to the specific page it starts on)

Tafseer Surah Al Qaaria'ah - Dr. Saleh as Saleh (audio)

Tafsir Surah Al Qaari'ah - Learn About Islam

Khutbah on Suratul Qaari'ah by Abu Muadh Taqweem Islam

Study Aids

11 tab book (1 page per ayaah (requires12-13 sheets of paper total)