Surah 102 - At-Takaathur

Resources to help study Surah Al Takaathur

Suratul Takaathur

Learn/Tafseer Surah 102  - Surah text, word for word translation, and audio

Explaining Suratul Takathur - Shaykh Uthaymeen (translation, PDF)

Tafseer Suratut-Takaathar from "Explanations of Important Lessons for Every Muslim"

Tafseer Surah Al Qariah - Dr. Saleh as Saleh

Tafsir Surah At-Takathur from Learn About Islam:

"In this lesson, Ustaadh Abu Humayd goes through Surah At-Takathur.

Topics include: the meaning of each verse in this Surah, why this Surah is named as such, the relevance of this Surah next to Surah Al Qari'ah, the different levels of certainty, the reason why the Qari (reciter) must not join some verses together in this Surah, and much more."

Khutbah on Suratul Takathur by Abu Muadh Taqweem Islam

Study Aids

Surah 102 Study Notebook - TJ Homeschooling - includes a progress chart, place to record notes for each ayaah,  space for reflection, as well as a blank vocabulary sheet to write in the vocabulary you want to learn from this surah.

Surah 102 Tab Book