Suratul Tawkir (81)

So where are you going? 

Text & Audio

Surah Text, Word by Word Translation

Audio of Suratul Takwir (choose your favorite reciter; listen online or download)

Quran Arabic Corpus - Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology for each word of this surah


Explaining Suratul Takwir - Shaykh Uthaymeen (translation) 45 page PDF (the audio lessons below from Markaz Bukhari are based upon this work so you can use this to follow along as you listen to the audios inshaa Allah.

The Religion of Islam is appropriate for every time, place, and condition – Shaykh Uthaymeen (81:28)

The Issue of Freewill & Allaah’s statement “You do not will unless Allah wills” – Shaykh Uthaymeen (81:29)

Tafsir Surah At-Takweer - Moosa Richardson
Listen to "Tafseer of Soorah at-Takweer" on Spreaker.

Tafsir At Takwir Audio lessons - Abu Muaadh Taqweem Aslam

Audio 1 covers Ayaat 1-10:

Audio 2 covers ayaat 11-20:

Audio 3 finishes ayaat 20  from the previous audio and goes to the end of the surah (ayaah 29)

Learning Aids

Suratul Takwir Verbs: