Hajj Activity Bank

Hajj Activity Bank - ideas for Hajj unit studies

If you are planning a unit study on the Hajj, here are some activity ideas:


  • Memorize the Islamic months
  • Compare hajj travel package prices. Find the best deal.
  • Calculate/find the distance between your home and Makkah; between the stops of the hajj rituals.


  • Make a hajj map
  • Brochure/geography guide with descriptions/pictures of each ‘stop’ on hajj |(i.e. mount Arafat, Mina, etc)
  • Be a Tour guide describing the sites of hajj in a mock hajj simulation


  • Hajj simulation
  • Help plan/make suhoor and iftar for Dhul Hijjah 9 fasting. Make a grocery list of what will be needed. Help with the shopping.
  • Take part/view a thabihah (slaughter/sacrifice)


  • Read/listen to hajj stories
  • Read the Prophet's Farewell Sermon
  • Read about the virtues of the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah
  • Read about the history of Hajj

 Creative Writing

  • Write a newspaper article about hajj
  • How to make hajj paragraph/mini manual
  • Make an illustrated hajj glossary
  • Create a travel itinerary for hajj trip
  • Interview someone who has made hajj
  • Make a FAQ page w/answers
  • Make a picture book or book for young readers about hajj
  • Make Diary/journal entries for a pilgrim
  • Write Hajj poems
  • Write Hajj riddles/trivia questions
  • Make a  hajj photo album from online pictures (complete with captions)
  • Make billboard collage/advertisement for hajj
  • Make a hajj quiz/test
  • Make a Hajj Jeopardy game

Oral Presentation

  • Report "live" from the scene at one of the sites of hajj (audio/record)


  • Memorize/read hajj related ayaat or ahadith - See Suratul Hajj
  • Memorize Duaa for breaking the fast.
  • Learn the talbiyah (thikr for the Hajj)