Perpetual Hijri Calendars

As is the nature of the hijri calendar, we don't know ahead of time with certainty when a new month will begin. So what if you want to use hijri calendars each month as part of your homeschool experience? Well, you have to find or make calendars each year,

I made up a set of hijri calendars for which there are 7 sets of each month (each one starting on a different day of the week) so that when you know what day the new Islamic month will begin on, you can simply print off that calendar, in shaa Allah.

Included are designations for the white days, and Islamic observances (yawmul Arafah, yawmul ashurah, etc).

You can purchase this bundle of  84 templates at my TpT store

It's a great addition to a daily calendar wall display.

You can purchase them at the following locations:

You can download this previous version  for free: Perpetual Hijri Calendars

Perpetual Hijri Calendars