I've been Muslim for 18 years now, alhamdulillah, and sad to say, I've really just began to learn about the optional prayers in the past several months.
But, alhamdulillah, as I was researching for the kids' lessons, I came across an article on optional prayers.
And from that point on, I've been very interested in learning about and making optional prayers....
....especially when I read that the supererogatory prayers make up for deficiencies in the obligatory prayers!
Source: Alifta.net via Abdurrahman.org
I learned that there were different types of supererogatory (phew, that's a hard one to spell!) salaah and the ones we are working on now to establish are the Rawatib prayers.
What are Rawatib prayers?
The Rawatib prayers are the prayers associated with the obligatory prayers (that is, ones prayed before or after the obligatory prayers).
Learn About the Rawatib Prayers
Articles about the Rawatib Prayers, and in general, the sunnah prayers
(From Abdurrahman.org; this was my first stop when researching the sunnah prayers (and generally my first stop for Islamic works and information); it helped me immensely in putting together the learning resources below, alhamdulillah.The Rawatib Prayers Slide Presentation
A 28 page presentation (PDF or Slide Form). This is meant to be a standalone lesson unlike the recently posted Khushoo lesson plan which was to be accompanied by outside readings. Here the reading material has been incorporated into the slides.
Download in PDF, PowerPoint.
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The Rawatib Prayers Worksheets
A progress chart to keep track of the Rawatib prayers prayed and a notebooking page.
Do you and your family prayer sunan prayers?