Surah Furqan (25) Study Resources


Surah Al Furqan - - Arabic text, translation, word by word lookup


Surah Al Furqaan Recitations - Quraan Central. Pick your favorite Qaari and listen or download

Vocabulary & Grammar Study of This Surah


Class: The Explanation of Sūrah al-Furqān

Set of 12 audio lessons from "a class started in April 2016 with Ustādh Mūsá Richardson, going through the tafsīr of Imām al-Saʿdī with a group of brothers at Masjid al-Furqān (TROID)." Includes a link to the Arabic tafsir of Imam al-Sa'di.

Tafseer Surah Al Furqaan - Al Masjid Al Awwal

Also from Moosa Richardson. 12 lessons as well (the ayaat covered during each of the 12 lessons is slightly different from those above so these may be an edited edition of the lessons above, I'm not sure)
Listen to "Tafseer of Soorah al-Furqaan" on Spreaker.